Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi said the decree along with three ministers concerned of suspension or moratorium on recruitment of civil servants be published soon.
"Insha Alah this moratorium we will soon announce, we will issue a decree three ministers, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of PAN and Bureaucratic Reform and the Minister of Finance, the weeks ahead," he said after the introductory speech in front of the government's financial memorandum plenary session of Parliament, at Parliament House, Tuesday.
He said the moratorium would be implemented during the next 12 months. However, the moratorium also will contain exceptions are very limited.
For example, according to him, must learn to bond as the College of Public Administration (STPDN).
"It's impossible not removed, because it is set up so that once he graduated he had appointed as civil servants," she said.
Meanwhile, a moratorium on acceptance CPNS plan based on many reasons such as the composition and distribution of employees that are not proportionate and appropriate placement of civil servants who are not competent.
The number of civil servants in 2003 about 3.7 million and increased to 4.7 million in 2011.
Although the percentage of civil servants to total population is still about 1.98 percent or at a moderate level, but in terms of composition, distribution, and competence is still problematic.
In addition, other problems that personnel expenditure in the budget over 40 percent in 396 districts / cities.
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