Sabtu, 03 September 2011
KPU Kota Tangerang menetapkan 1.117.996 orang sebagai pemilih dalam daftar pemilih tetap (DPT) pada pemilihan umum kepala daerah (pemilukada) Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Banten 2011 di wilayahnya. Jumlah ini bertambah sekitar 15 ribu lebih dari DPS. "Sesuai rapat pleno kami, akhirnya jumlah pemilih yang terdapat pada DPT sudah kami tetapkan. Pemilih laki-laki sebanyak 566.784 orang dan pemilih perempuan 551.212 orang," ujar Ketua KPU Kota Tangerang, Safril Elain, Sabtu (3/9) pagi.
Dikatakan, jumlah DPT sebanyak 1.117.996 orang itu berasal dari warga yang tersebar di 13 kecamatan, dan 104 kelurahan. Dengan jumlah TPS sebanyak 2.799 buah. Bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah daftar pemilih sementara (DPS), maka terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 15.098 orang. "Tiap TPS akan melayani pemilih maksimal 600 orang. Agar proses pemilihan bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan tepat waktu," ujar Syafril.
Dengan ditetapkannya DPT untuk Kota Tangerang, Syafril berharap para pemilih tadi bisa melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk mencoblos pada 22 Oktober mendatang. "Kami berharap partisipasi warga bisa optimal. Kami menargetkan tingkat partisipasi itu di atas 70 persen. Agar hasil pilgub benar-benar kredibel," ujarnya.
Sementara itu tim verifikasi DPS DPD PKS Kota Tangerang menemukan adanya 61.886 jiwa pemilih ganda di kecamatan Karawaci, Cibodas, Jatiuwung, Batuceper, Neglasari, Benda, Cipondoh, Pinang dan Larangan. Penemuan ini belum termasuk di kecamatan Tangerang, Priuk, Cileduk dan Karang Tengah. “Dengan kualitas DPS seperti ini apa yang bisa kita harapkan dari pemimpin yang nanti dihasilkan dari Pilgub Banten. Ketika kebohongan dijadikan langkah untuk memuluskan kemenangan maka rakyatlah yang menjadi korban,” kata Humas DPD PKS Kota Tangerang, Jumai E Susetyo dalam rilisnya akhir pekan lalu.
Dikatakan DPD PKS Kota Tangerang berkomitmen sejak awal untuk menjadikan Pilgub Banten sebagai sarana kompetisi yang sehat, pembelajaran bagi seluruh pihak yang bertanding untuk mengedepankan kejujuran, kebenaran dan saling menghormati sehingga siapapun pemenangnya akan menghasilkan pemimpin yang terbaik bagi masyarakat Banten dan khususnya Kota Tangerang. (Don).
Warga Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat kekurangan tempat hiburan. Selama ini, mereka harus keluar daerah jika akan berwisata bersama keluarga. “Di Bekasi hanya ada mal. Pemerintah daerah tidak memikirkan menyediakan sarana wisata,” kata Hartono, warga Margahayu, Bekasi Timur.
“Yang ada hanya wisata permainan anak yang ada di mal. Paling banter bioskop,” katanya sambil menambahkan di Kota Bekasi dengan julukan Kota Patriot kini hanya bermunculan tempat belanja.
Di perbelanjaan disediakan sarana bermain atau hiburan jenis bioskop atau biliar. Akibatnya arena bermain di mal itu selalu dipadati pengunjung.
Kini warga Kota Bekasi yang hendak berkreasi harus ke Jakarta, seperti ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Ragunan atau pun Ancol. Atau ke sarana hiburan wisata air di daerah tetangganya, yakni water boom di Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi. (Don).
Action mum forgot to claim the homestead associated with the construction of the SEA Games athletes in South Sumatra judged to be separated from the Commission and the government's rejection of the letter sent by M Nazaruddin to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
"Now, he has calculated that the only option left is silent, and forget, then pleaded guilty, and then ask immediately sentenced. With full awareness, he will carry out this option for the safety of his wife and children, "said Member of Parliament from the Golkar Party faction, Bambang Soesatyo in a statement received on Thursday (01/09/2011).
Moreover, he continued, coupled with the Commission which was sent to Interpol red notice for the hunt wife M Nazaruddin, Neneng Sri Wahyuni, a suspect in other corruption in the Commission, adding M Nazaruddin moral courage to dismantle the further involvement of other parties in cases of alleged corruption.
"Automatically destroy the moral Nazaruddin dismantle corruption cases he knows. Nazaruddin, psychologically, was destroyed by two facts that, "he said.
Conversely, Bambang said, from the refusal by both the Commission and the President seemed to suggest the two institutions do not want to make Nazaruddin as factors that could uncover a series of corruption cases at home project or projects athletes Palembang Hambalang. (Don).
Ration by 10 percent fee requested the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (Kemennakertrans) to entrepreneurs Dharnawati eventually also flow to the Budget Agency (Banggar) DPR of each company where her career get the projects programmed by Kemennakertrans. Happenings was disclosed by legal counsel Dharnawati, Farhat Abbas.
"Back before he was arrested handed Dharnawati funds amounting to Rp 5 to 10 percent. Muhaimin funds flowing into the House of Representatives and the Agency budget," he said when contacted by reporters on Friday (09/02/2011).
Related to Rp 1.5 billion fund, called his client borrowed Mennakertrans Muhaimin Iskandar, Farhat said, that money has actually been asked to Muhaimin about three months before the Eid.
On this occasion, Farhat also asked the KPK to trace the Muhaimin Iskandar's involvement in this case. "Do not let this case only two stops on Dharnawati and Manpower officials alone," he said. (Don).
Jumat, 02 September 2011
INDONESIA national teams PERFORM WITHOUT M. Nasuha AND FERRY Rotinsulu
Indonesia national team struggle to break the hopes of competing in the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil begins tonight. They will attempt to reach out to try out luck with strong Iranian team in the third round of group E kualifkasi Asia.
Unfortunately, amid hopes that Indonesia can achieve positive results, bad news must be received by the national team. They certainly appear lame after a two-member core team, the fullback M. Nasuha and goalkeeper Ferry Rotinsulu, can not be unloaded. "Indonesia national team can not lose Nasuha and Ferry," national team releases sent directly from Tehran, Iran.
Mentioned, M. Nasuha can not be lowered because of accumulation of yellow cards received in the second round two qualifying matches against Turkemenistan. Meanwhile, Ferry did not appear because of the injury recur. "Ferry, his right knee injury recurrence. It was actually the old injury. When the last exercise before (yesterday, Red), he was still sore. The coach decided to replace it," explains Christina Desy National Team Media Officer via e-mail last night.
About the Ferry, he actually feared condition. Because, during the match trials Indonesia against the Jordanians on August 28 last, he pulled out in the 30th minute due to injury. Reportedly never recovered and ready to perform, Ferry was again felt pain in the knee at a training session yesterday (1 / 9). He finally decided not to be lowered.
Regarding the replacement Ferry, the national team can not yet officially announced. They are still waiting until a few hours before kickoff on any names that will be deployed in a match held at the Azadi Stadium, Tehran, Iran, is.
However, if seen from the composition of the team in recent tests against the Jordanians, the picture of who will replace the two players are already apparent. The left back position usually occupied will be filled Nasuha Benny Wahyudi.
Arema Malang players from the trusted because they have the ability that most closely Nasuha. Only, the discipline and speed to close the holes left after the ride to help the attack still needs to be repaired.
Meanwhile, under the rule, the position will almost certainly be filled Ferry Mark Haris Maulana. Even though Indonesia against Jordania Mark had made a mistake, apparently, the experience factor is still making him priority over the third goalie I Made Wirawan.
However, the chances of Indonesia is not completely closed because Iran should also be performed without two players mainstay, namely Meziar Zare and Karim Ansarifard. Losing two players is of course also hit the Iranian team due to his role big enough for the team.
It's based on the Iranian team's last match records in the second half against Maldives ago. Ansarifard be printing two of the four goals in the victory of Iran. While Zare become one of the opening opportunities for the creation of Iran's second goal. To that end, Iran is very likely the team will lose senior striker Farhad Majidi Ansarifard to fill the position. While the position will be filled by Milad Zare Zeneyedpour. (Don).
Therefore, Bambang Pamungkas et al must be vigilant. The reason, in stature and experience, the Iranian players are superior. In fact, on paper, Iran is ranked 53rd on the premises of the world is more favored in positions-131 to the world. In addition, national team supporters should be able to cope with the pressure the host. Therefore, Iran's coach Carlos Queiroz directly Iran has asked fans to fill stadiums with a capacity of 100 thousand seats.
Only, with the philosophy of the ball is round and the spirit to make history the first time qualifying for the World Cup, national team still has a chance to withstand the onslaught of the home team and bring home the points.
Pelatih tim nasional Iran, Carlos Queiroz, menilai, Indonesia merupakan lawan terberat bagi timnya di Grup E babak ketiga Prakualifikasi Piala Dunia Zona Asia. Menurutnya, Bambang Pamungkas dan kawan-kawan adalah tim bagus yang menerapkan permainan menyerang.
"Garuda" beserta Iran tergabung di Grup E bersama Qatar dan Bahrain. Iran akan menghadapi Indonesia pada laga perdana di Stadion Azadi, Jumat (2/9/2011). "Indonesia saat ini adalah lawan terberat di grup karena lawan pertama kita adalah mereka, bukan Qatar atau Bahrain atau Brasil atau Argentina. Saya tidak peduli dengan mereka," kata Queiroz dalam rilis yang diterima dari media officer tim nasional (timnas).
"Saat ini yang berpeluang untuk mengambil poin dari kami adalah Indonesia. Saya sudah lihat rekaman pertandingan mereka dan mendapat laporan hasil scouting. Mereka bermain bagus dan menyerang. Apalagi, tidak seperti kami yang terlambat mempersiapkan diri karena liga masih berjalan, mereka memiliki banyak waktu untuk fokus di timnas," ucap pelatih asal Portugal tersebut.
"Indonesa adalah tim yang berbahaya. Oleh karena itu, saya harap pendukung dan pers datang ke stadion untuk membantu kami menang. Kita semua butuh kemenangan," lanjutnya.
Tim "Merah Putih" dipastikan akan bermain tanpa Boaz Salossa dan Ahmad Bustoni yang tak dibawa ke Teheran. Kiper utama, Ferry Rotinsulu, juga tak bisa tampil karena cedera lutut, sementara bek sayap M Nasuha diskors. Pada pertandingan nanti, Indonesia akan mengenakan kostum merah-hijau-hijau, sementara Iran putih-putih-putih. (Don).
Kecelakaan masih mewarnai perjalanan mudik lebaran tahun ini. Korban kecelakaan masih terbilang tinggi di lebaran 1432 H. Hingga H+1 Lebaran atau 1 September 2011, tercatat 490 orang yang meninggal dalam perjalanan. "Info pagi ini, jumlah meninggal sampai tanggal 1 September 2011 adalah 490 orang, data lain belum tersedia," ujar Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (P2PL) Kementerian Kesehatan RI dalam siaran pers, Jumat (2/9).
Sebelumya Tjandra merilis data hingga Rabu 31 Agustus 2011 terjadi kecelakaan sebanyak 2.773 kejadian. Sementara korban meninggal 433 orang, luka berat 729 orang dan luka ringan 1.864 orang.
Ia mengatakan informasi Dinas Kesehatan dari berbagai daerah. Dari Dinkes Provinsi Sumatera Berat dilaporkan, ada anak bernama Tiara (10) tenggelam di kawasan Bungus. Selain itu, ada juga tiga anak yang tertimpa Baliho pada jam 14.00 WIB di Kota Padang yang saat ini masih di rawat di RS Jamil.
Laporan dari pelabuhan, ada 8 kejadian kecelakaan yang menyebabkan 7 orang luka dan 1 orang meninggal dunia. Korban meninggal terjadi di Wilayah Kerja Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, Kamis (1/9) sekitar jam 18.10 waktu setempat. "Jenazah korban wwanita diketemukan di Selat Bali,"pungkasnya. (Don).
Selain pedagang daging dari Inggris, petugas Bea Cukai Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta juga menggagalkan upaya penyelundupan 1.750 gram atau 1,75 kilogram sabu kualitas terbaik yang dibawa warga negara Taiwan, Lang Chen Che (27), Minggu (28/8).
Selain menahan tersangka, petugas juga menyita sabu senilai Rp 3,5 miliar itu. "Tersangka mencoba mengelabui petugas dengan menyimpan sabu dalam kotak makanan berupa kue bulan merek Moon Cake dan kotak teh merek Tea Bag," kata Kepala Seksi Penindakan dan Penyelidikan Bea Cukai Bandara Gatot Sugeng Wibowo kepada Kompas di Tangerang, Kamis (1/9/2011).
Gatot mengatakan, tersangka Lang Chen Che datang ke Jakarta dengan menumpang pesawat China Airlines nomor penerbangan C1-0679 rute Hongkong-Jakarta. Guna pengembangan dan penyelidikan lebih lanjut, tersangka dan barang bukti diserahkan ke Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) dan Kepolisian Resor (Polres) Bandara Internasional Soekarn-Hatta. (Don).
Pemerintah Kabupaten Bekasi akan melakukan pemantauan dan pembinaan terhadap pendatang baru di kawasan padat penduduk di wilayahnya, pasca arus balik 2011. "Tahun ini Pemerintah Kabupaten tidak menganggarkan untuk operasi yustisi, sehingga sasaran penertiban hanya akan dilakukan di daerah-daerah padat penduduk, bekerja sama dengan aparat desa setempat," kata Kepala Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Bekasi, Aspuri, di Cikarang, Jumat (2/9).
Penertiban akan menitikberatkan pada wilayah Cikarang, Tambun dan Cibitung, yang berdekatan dengan kawasan industri, dengan sasaran rumah kos atau kontrakan. Setiap pendatang baru, kata dia, harus memiliki identitas dan surat pengantar dari daerah asalnya. "Bagi pendatang baru yang tidak memiliki identitas dan surat pengantar dari tempat asalnya, maka akan kita pulangkan," tukasnya.
Menurutnya, penertiban tersebut dilakukan pada saat arus balik, sepanjang bulan September 2011. Mengingat seperti pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, jumlah orang yang datang menjadi bertambah karena diajak oleh sanak saudara yang sudah lebih dulu tinggal di Kabupaten Bekasi.
Umumnya niat para pendatang baru ini adalah mencari pekerjaan. Peningkatan arus balik tahun ini diprediksi mencapai 3-5 persen. "Pada waktu mudik sendiri, tapi begitu balik ke Kabupaten Bekasi membawa saudara atau temannya" kata dia.
Pada prinsipnya, kata Aspuri, Kabupaten Bekasi terbuka terhadap siapa saja. Namun dirinya menyesalkan banyak di antara pendatang baru yang tidak dibekali dengan keahlian atau ketrampilan khusus. Selain itu juga tidak memiliki kepastian tujuan dan tempat tinggal selama di wilayah setempat.
Hal ini, kata Aspuri, dapat menjadi beban pemerintah daerah karena menambah jumlah pengangguran dan menimbulkan dampak sosial, seperti maraknya gelandangan pengemis dan meningkatnya angka kriminalitas. "Kalau pendatang tersebut punya keahlian maka bisa menjadi aset tapi jika tidak hanya akan menjadi beban Kabupaten Bekasi. Harus jelas keperluannya apa datang ke Bekasi," kata Aspuri.
Dikatakan Aspuri, jumlah penduduk yang resmi tercatat sampai saat ini mencapai 2,3 juta jiwa lebih. Besar kemungkinan jumlahnya lebih, karena diduga masih banyak warga yang tidak tercatat dan tidak memiliki KTP Kabupaten Bekasi. "Penertiban ini juga sekaligus untuk melakukan pendataan ulang dan perbaikan sistem administrasi kependudukan," terangnya.
Aspuri mengimbau, setiap warga pendatang baru agar meminta izin kepada ketua RT/RW setempat. Pembuatan KTP, kata dia, harus dilakukan melalui jalur resmi dengan persyaratan lengkap. Seperti, surat keterangan pindah dari daerah asal dan alamat domisili tetap. "Siapa saja boleh tinggal di Kabupaten Bekasi, tapi harus tertib dan mentaati aturan," demikian Aspuri. (Don).
Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

A total of 98 inmates who inhabit the Correctional Institution for Women Tangerang, Banten, obtain remission Lebaran 2011, two of which are free immediately. "There are 98 inmates who can Lebaran remissions, among them two are free and go home," said Chief Correctional Institution (LP) Women Etty Nurbaety in Tangerang Tangerang, on Wednesday (31 / 8).
Etty prisoner found after shaking hands with the so-called citizens of the built after a 1432 AH Eid al-Fitr prayer in the field in a prison located in the path TMP Taruna Tangerang City.
According Etty, Women LP Tangerang is currently inhabited by as many as 338 inmates and the majority are exposed to drug cases and the rest of the crime.
But the prisoner who may remission akakak sister Un, 26, and Um, 23, immediately free and begins at 9:00 pm to go home. Tangerang regency brothers citizens involved beatings because of the humiliation in-law so was sentenced to 10 months in prison.
Etty said, as long as the citizens of the target, the inmates were acting properly and obey the rules and never committed a disgraceful act.
According Etty, an assessment of the prisoners who get a remission that is purely for their actions during their sentence.
Previously, LP Tangerang Women inhabited as many as 340 residents built, but two of which were already free on Tuesday (30 / 8) according to the rule of law.
During the Correctional Institute for Women, citizens of the target is to get skills such as sewing, salons and cultivation of ornamental plants as well as reflexology to be as free to be able to independently. (Don).

Government of Bekasi, West Java, targeting the removal of the master to the District Jatiasih will be realized in 2013. "According to the Medium Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), the transfer must be realized at the latest by 2013, before the period of office the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bekasi out," said Acting Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, in Jakarta, Tuesday (30 / 8).
According to him, the Master Terminal Bekasi City as one of the central civil service is now considered to have been insufficient to accommodate all the existing public transport. "The expansion area is not allowed to do because the space is no longer available and the location of the terminal dihimpit permanent buildings," he said.
Initially, the City of Bekasi plans to move the terminal to Bojong Menteng Village, District Rawalumbu. But the plan was nevertheless realized. "Ideally terminal stands on an area of 12 hectares. In Bojong Menteng is still less extensive," he said.
The new location is targeted Jatiasih District, although the exact point has not been determined, ie, between Village Jatiasih or Jatimekar. Selection on the basis of proximity Jatiasih location with freeway access. "If so, will be opened also side access to the economic toll on the residents around there also is open," said Rahmat.
Given the term of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bekasi is almost gone, the realization of this resettlement plan should be immediately realized.
According to Grace, it will involve private companies in this project as investors. Therefore, the government's lack of funds allocation is constrained. "We will involve private sector for funding," said Rahmat. (Don).
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) South Tangerang City, Banten, appealed to citizens who perform Takbir circumference Muhammadiyah does not disturb other residents are still
implement the fasting including being tadarusan.
"For those who perform Takbir Muhammadiyah members are expected not to disturb people around who still tadarusan in the mosque," said Secretary of the MUI South Tangerang city Abdul Rozak contacted on Monday (29 / 8).
Rozak statement, the related decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs which establishes a Shawwal 1432 Hijri falls on Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Meanwhile, the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah has previously announced the first of Shawwal 1432 Hijri coincide with the August 30, 2011.
Muhammadiyah believes based on intrinsic wujudul moon reckoning that guided and carried out the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah, ijtimak before 1 Syawal 1432 H occurred on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 10:05:16 pm.
High moon at sunset in Yogyakarta, was a form of the new moon, and in all parts of Indonesia at the time of sunset moon was on the horizon. "We still have to respect all the decisions, although different opinions. However, the unity of the people still have to put forward," he said.
Rozak said Takbir when activities are planned to be held around the MUI, had to be postponed until Wednesday. "There takbiran activities we've planned, but due to its decision 1 Syawal falls on August 31, 2011 or Wednesday, then the implementation was postponed," he said.
Previously, Board Chairman of Muhammadiyah Jakarta Region Rifky Hermiansyah Yudhoyono said there are 40 locations of 29 districts in Banten province will implement Eid al-Fitr prayer on Tuesday (30 / 8).
He said the 40 locations that will be used for Eid prayers spread across eight cities and districts in Banten Province.
The details in Tangerang, Salat Id on Tuesday (30 / 8) held in five districts with six locations, Tangerang city in the five districts with 12 locations, Tangerang regency in eight districts with 10 locations.
Then Lebak District in eight districts with eight locations Salat Id, Cilegon in a district with two locations. Pandeglang in one district with one location, as well as in Serang regency and city in one location.
Senin, 29 Agustus 2011
A total of 44 652 PRISONERS IN INDONESIA THANK ALL remission

A total of 44,652 prisoners across Indonesia get the remission or reduction of sentence to welcome Eid Day 1432 Hijri, the Public Relations Directorate General of Corrections Akbar Hadi, here on Monday.
He said the number of inhabitants of the prison-house of detention this year is 137,379 people with 85,755 of whom 51,624 prisoners and detainees.
Of the 44,652 prisoners who get a remission, of which 43,423 inmates get remission I.
"Remission I, ie, they get a cut of the sentences but did not free or they have to undergo the remainder of the sentence," he said.
A total of 1229 inmates get remission II or can simply be free. "The granting of remission ranged from 15 days to two months," he said.
He states, granting remission of years not carried nationally, but submitted to the heads of prisons or prisoners head home.
Akbar did not memasalahkan corruption convicts get remission, provided that complies with applicable regulations.
Nine of 34 inmates are serving sentences criminals in prisons and detention centers in the state of North Sumatra get special remission on Idul Fitri 2011. (Don).
Empat orang perampok yang mengendarai dua motor menyerempet motor yang dikendarai Tjoan Bie (58) di Jalan M Toha KM 6.5, Kelurahan Priuk Jaya, Kecamatan Priuk, Kota Tangerang, Minggu (28/8/2011) sekitar pukul 19.00. Perampok lalu merampas tas korban yang antara lain berisi uang tunai Rp 11 juta.
Kejahatan yang menimpa Tjoan Bie itu saat korban hendak pulang ke rumahnya di Kelurahan Gebang Raya, Kecamatan Priuk.
Di depan PT Polkrik di Jalan M Toha, dua motor yang sama-sama maju berbarengan, tiba-tiba memotong jalan motor korban dengan salah satu motor itu menyerempet dan pemboncengnya menendang motor korban. Tak ayal, pedagang itu terkejut dan tidak dapat mengendalikan motornya. Korban pun jatuh.
Korban yang belum bangun dari jatuhnya, makin terkejut karena seorang perampok turun dari motor dan merampas tasnya. Korban mencoba mempertahankan tas itu, namun ia lalu pasarah melepaskan tasnya, karena perampok lain mengeluarkan pistol dan menodongkan ke kepala korban.
Perampok itu pun kabur membawa tas korban, yang isinya antara lain uang hasil usahanya sepanjang Minggu sebesar Rp 11 juta, dua buah telepon seluler, dan SIM serta dua buah STNK motornya.
Kasus perampokan ini ditangani Polres Metro Tangerang Kota. (Don).
Kejahatan yang menimpa Tjoan Bie itu saat korban hendak pulang ke rumahnya di Kelurahan Gebang Raya, Kecamatan Priuk.
Di depan PT Polkrik di Jalan M Toha, dua motor yang sama-sama maju berbarengan, tiba-tiba memotong jalan motor korban dengan salah satu motor itu menyerempet dan pemboncengnya menendang motor korban. Tak ayal, pedagang itu terkejut dan tidak dapat mengendalikan motornya. Korban pun jatuh.
Korban yang belum bangun dari jatuhnya, makin terkejut karena seorang perampok turun dari motor dan merampas tasnya. Korban mencoba mempertahankan tas itu, namun ia lalu pasarah melepaskan tasnya, karena perampok lain mengeluarkan pistol dan menodongkan ke kepala korban.
Perampok itu pun kabur membawa tas korban, yang isinya antara lain uang hasil usahanya sepanjang Minggu sebesar Rp 11 juta, dua buah telepon seluler, dan SIM serta dua buah STNK motornya.
Kasus perampokan ini ditangani Polres Metro Tangerang Kota. (Don).

Muhammadiyah Jakarta said there were 69 location or venue for 1432 AH Eid al-Fitr prayer which will be conducted on Tuesday (30 / 8). For there are seven Bekasi Bekasi City locations and 13 locations.
Through the page of the Muhammadiyah, for territory in Central Jakarta there are 13 places, among others, Jalan Kramat Raya No. 49, Jalan Garuda 33 Kemayoran, Bunyamin Sueb Road, Muhammadiyah University Complex Jalan KH Mas Mansyur Number 65 Central Jakarta, and the Masjid Al Al Abrul Red Square.
Still in Central Jakarta, Stadium Road Mini Rawasari Arcici West Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta Islamic Hospital, PCM Tanah Abang IV, Komplek Ruko Karang Anyar, Golf SDN 05 Pagi Petamburan, Sawah Besar PCM, and PCM Johar Baru.
East Jakarta, 14 sites, namely, Islam RS Page, Page Binawan Nursing Academy, Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan No. 20 Matraman, PCM Matraman, Muhammadiyah University Complex Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Muhammadiyah Complex Utan Kayu, Taman Pondok Bambu Attorney, Complex Muhammadiyah 4 Jalan Dewi A Cawang Sartika No. 316 East Jakarta, and the Islamic Center Jalan Delima page II Housing Klender.
In Jakarta Timr, still in Field Horse Racing Pulomas Pulo Mas Jalan Raya, Jalan Nusantara Theaters Parking Page West Jatinegara, Pages Masjid Al Hidayah Jalan Tanjung Lengkong, Pages SMA 11 Jakarta, RT 009/02 Field, and Field Kaprina Two Chief Wetan .
West Jakarta with 15 places, among others, Golf Wijayakusuma Slipi Complex, Jalan KS Tubun II RW 01 Slipi, New Gelong Tomang Road, Masjid Al-Huda Latumenten Road, Masjid Raya Al Isra Tanjung Duren Raya and Jalan Masjid Al Barokah.
North Jakarta in 13 places, among others, the Hospital (RS) Islam Jakarta Sukapura, Golf ball Kalibaru RW 15, Pademangan Eagle Market Square, University of Muhammadiyah Tanjung Priok, Masjid Al Mannar Kebon Bawang, Masjid Al-Husna, and At-Tauba mosque in Dam Malay RW 01.
South Jakarta 14 locations, among others, Field Jalan Masjid Al Huda Tebet Timur Raya No. 565, Field House Parking Pe De Road West XIISeno Tebet Tebet Barat Raya, Komplek Muhammadiyah University Jalan Limau Kebayoran Baru Kebayoran Baru, Jalan Masjid Nurul Haq Asem Baris No. 37 Kebon Baru, Masjid Nurul Amal Complex Muhammadiyah University Kebayoran Lama Kebayoran Lama's Long Road Cipulir Jaksel and Field SDN Kebon BKD Brown Field PIKA Manggarai.
Meanwhile, for the City of Bekasi there are 13 places, among others, Muhammadiyah University Complex Road Town Ki Mangunsarkoro Bekasi No. 45, Masjid Al Hidayah Jalan Raya Nusantara Perumnas 3, Masjid Road Kusuma Saidah Zainad East Village III Wismajaya Aren Jaya, Postal Giro Large Parking Page Near Field Multipurpose Bekasi, Masjid Al Mujahidin Kranji Road Field, Jalan Masjid Al Iman Patriot and Hero Square Plaza Jalan KH Nur Alie.
Bekasi District with seven locations, namely, Permata Metropolitan Parking Page Tambun, Pages Masjid Al-Muttaqiem Setu, Pages Masjid Al Muhajirrin Kampung Pulo, Pages Masjid Al Tadzkirah Cibarusah, Pages Raflesia Jatimulya office, the Masjid Al Kautsar page Cikarang Baru, and Masjid Al Page Hidayat Cibitung. (Don).

Idul Fitri on Monday (8/29/2011), impromptu meat traders are still selling in the suburbs of Jakarta. Veterinarians advise prospective buyers to buy the meat more thoroughly. "Usually the meat sellers have an official veterinary control number which means the meat has been inspected livestock veterinarian offices," said Amir Machmud drh, a practitioner of veterinary medicine from the Association of Veterinarians Indonesia, Monday.
To maintain health, meat, beef, lamb, or chicken should be cut on the slaughterhouses (RPH). At RPH, before being cut, the animal is examined health. After the cut was, the meat is re-checked by the vet, and then sold into the market. "Characteristics usually meat that has been checked that no seal," said Amir Machmud drh.
For that prospective buyers should ask first history of the meat being sold and asked veterinary control number. According to watchlist Compass, butcher impromptu among others in the T-junction at Jalan Pasar Rebo Pekayon, South Jakarta, not far from Market Jatiasih, Bekasi. (Don).

Density of traffic on the highway is causing insecurity accident.
Until Saturday (27 / 8) afternoon, the collected data Lebaran 2011 Kemenhub Transport Command Post, death toll from traffic accidents in the Lebaran this time has reached 166 people. "In traffic accidents on that road which 166 people died, 369 people were seriously injured and slightly injured 746 people. That's the data we get from the then National Police Corps," said the Head of Public Communication Center Kemenhub, Bambang S Ervan told AFP on Saturday (27/08/2011).
The data, according to Bambang, a recapitulation of the traffic accident data from H-7 Eid until Saturday afternoon. However, data on locations where accidents are often not yet been released. "Problem is happening where and whether it is more of a motorcycle or a car we do not know," he said.
Bambang also appealed to prospective travelers who want to travel to be more careful. For those who use private vehicles, vehicle checks to be conducted. "Special motorists are encouraged to mengilangkan habits such as riding motorcycles in the city. Sometimes a car overtaking a safe distance has not been infiltrated. It's habit-skid hysterical origin was dangerous," pleaded Bambang. Adi Nugroho. (Don).
SMUGGLING CUSTOMS EXCISE Soetta foils shabu 6.5 KG

Customs and Excise officers Soekarno-Hatta Airport to thwart smuggling 6.5 kilograms of shabu, Saturday (27/08/2011) night. The price is estimated at Rp 9.5 billion.
"The suspect Narawadee Phothijam (22), female resident of Thailand, and Elovsson Oerjan Robert (38), male citizens of Sweden, were lovers. They try to smuggle shabu by hiding it in two suitcases whose walls are specially designed," explains Head of Section and the taking of action Office of Customs and Excise investigation Soekarno-Hatta Gatot Wibowo Sugeng told reporters on Sunday (08/28/2011).
Both come with using aircraft Qatar Airways Doha-Jakarta majors, Saturday at 22:30. Sabu was hidden in each suitcase containing 3.2 kg and 3.3 kg.
Head Office of Customs and Excise Soekarno-Hatta Oza Olavia added, after the arrest, the institute in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to develop the case to one of the hotels in the Kemang area. The officer managed to catch a recipient, a resident named Guambee Nigeria (38).
"All the suspects and evidence has been delegated to the BNN," Oza said.
The defendant admitted Elovsson work as DJ and Narawadee is sexy dancer in one of the nightspots in Vietnam. For that work, they are paid each $ 2,000 U.S. (Don).
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
Tangerang regency HELP TEACHERS Pengajian Rp. 1.2 MILLION

A total of 2030 home tutor in the district of Tangerang, Banten, received help from the local district governments respectively Rp1, 2 million. "This grant is given as a form to realize a prosperous society," said Head of Social prosperity Uyung Mulyadi Tangerang regency in Jakarta on Saturday (27 / 8).
The provision of such assistance in accordance with the vision and mission of the local community towards the faithful Tangerang, prosperous, industry-oriented, and environmentally sound. "One of them by providing assistance to teachers in each district as a form of government attention," he said.
The aid is given because the tutor does not have a fixed income.
Tutor who received help from 29 districts. "In granting the aid, the money received by each tutor will not be cutting a penny," he said. (Don).

H Abdul Syukur selaku ketua DPD II Golkar Kota Tangerang telah menegaskan untuk siap memenangkan ibu Hj Ratu Atut Chosiyah, SE dan Bp H Rano Karno di Kota Tangerang. “Saya mengajak seluruh kader untuk bekerja keras untuk memenangkan Ratu Atut dan Rano Karno pada Pemilukada mendatang,” terangnya.
Terkait kader yang tidak mengikuti kebijakan partai beliau telah memecat kader Partai Golkar yg tidak sejalan dengan kebijakan Partai Golkar, dan itu dilakukan dgn secara tegas dengan memecat Sdr Habibullah sbg wakil bendahara DPD II Partai Golkar Kota Tangerang karena telah terlibat langsung sebagai tim sukses dari kandidat berasal dari partai lain. “Saya terus terang telah memecat kader yang tidak loyal dengan pimpinan, dan terkesan main sendiri.” Jelas Syukur pada Silaturahmi Ramadhan Kader Partai Golkar Kota Tangerang (27/8/2011) di Gedung Serba Guna DPD II Partai Golkar Kota Tangerang.
Idrus Marham, Sekjen DPP Golkar, melihat silaturahmi sebagai konsolidasi internal Partai Golkar Kota Tangerang dalam menghadapi Pilgub 2011. Semua elit partai dan seluruh kader partai dari semua tingkatan wajib memenangkan Ibu Hj Ratu Atut Chosiyah dan Bp Rano Karno sebagai Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur periode 2012 – 2017. “Partai Golkar wajib memenangkan pasangan Ibu Hj Ratu Atut Chosiyah dan Bp H Rano Karno sebagai Gubernur dan wakil gubernur Banten periode 2012 – 2017.” terang Idrus Markham.
Sementara itu Ketua DPD Golkar Banten, Hikmat Tomet menyatakan bahwa kemenangan ibu Hj Ratu Atut Chosiyah adalah kemenangan Partai Golkar. “Saya berharap Golkar dapat memenangkan pemilukada ini, dan kemenangan Ratu Atut – Rano Karno adalah kemenangan Golkar.” Tegasnya.
Acara ini dihadiri oleh Ibu Hj Ratu Atut Chosiyah, SE selaku Gubernur Banten (Ketua Umum KPPG), Idrus Markham (sekjen DPP Parta Golkar), Muhlisin (wakil sekjen), Hikmat Tomet (Ketua DPD Provinsi), H Ebby Jauhari, Zaky Iskandar (Ketua DPD II Kab Tangerang), H Abdul Syukur (Ketua DPD II Kota Tangerang), PO Abas Sunarya (sekretaris), Krisna Gunata (Ketua Harian), seluruh pengurus PK dan PL se-Kota Tangerang.
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