Banten Governor-Hj.Ratu Atut Chosiyah outstanding teacher took off 15 people to a national level in 2011 in Banten Governor Hall page. The plan to-15 teachers will represent Banten to follow the selection of teachers and principals at the national level began 12 to 18 August in Jakarta.
According to the Head of Education Banten-Muslim H.Ajak explain, some 15 teachers that achievement will be dispatched Juma't (12 / 8). They consist of outstanding teachers and principals from the level of kindergarten, elementary, junior high and vocational schools as many as 8 people, specially dedicated teachers as much as 3 people, tutor package C achievers 1 person (the origin of PKBM in Cilegon) as well as achievement at primary level supervisors / SMP / SMA / K 3 people.
The selection of teachers and principals at the national level will be held at Hotel Sahid Jaya Jakarta, while for the selection of vocational teachers and tutor achievement level C package implemented in the Millennium Hotel Jakarta. As for the election of the principal outstanding vocational / high school will be held at Hotel Atlet Century Park Jakarta.
Further, the 15 outstanding and dedicated teachers that have previously followed the election and selection at the level of Banten province, which was held on 13 to July 15, 2011 and then held at Shades of Bali Anyer. Selection of outstanding teachers have followed a number of 46 participants from the delegates districts / cities in Banten Province. For the category of outstanding teachers of primary school teachers are dedicated special / remote and dedicated special education teachers.
The categories for the selection of principals and supervisors perform originally followed 32 participants and principals whose election as many as 40 people were executed in stages starting from district to provincial level.
The process of selection and assessment, among others, performed by the jury, the team psikotest and scientific work of assessment teams from Bantam competent scholars. The rating I of the selection at the level of Banten province will be dispatched to the race at the national level. "Meanwhile Bantam last year received ratings of I to achieve a national watchdog on behalf Drs.Wawan Murwanto, MM" he explained.
Governor of the audience before the 15 teachers appreciate the positive achievement for the advancement of education and delivery of content as well as convey also educates the moral message that teachers bring the good name of Bantam at the national level. "I hope I will pray for the struggle and efforts of teachers can be achieved and can scent the Bantam in the national arena" he explained. (Don).
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