Bekasi Soon certainty the status of teachers in the City of Bekasi will soon be resolved. Bekasi City Department of Education's decision took Sapulidi NGOs to make research and analysis of the ratio of teachers' needs in the City of Bekasi in 2011.
Director of Social Affairs and Education NGO Sapulidi, Kobul Tengku Imam Moh. Yahya S, ST. said the teacher needs analysis and ratios that will answer all questions and turmoil teachers are unclear about its status. "Friends should be grateful because we melibakan Disdik to prepare ratios. Insha Allah can already be started after Eid, "said Tengku Imam Kobul at the harmonization and dissemination of the fate of the settlement system of honorary workers in Bekasi.
The presence of teachers (PTK) is essential sue the City of Bekasi must have accurate data about the needs, qualifications, placement, competence, professionalism form the ratio of teachers to students' needs, the ratio of the needs of teachers / students with study groups, and the ratio of teachers to the school needs at least to 5 years into the future.
Completion and production ratio is in line with the needs of teachers made by the City Government of Bekasi as a basis for appointment and the proposed formation CPNS by loading Demand Plan Level Teacher Education Unit, District and Municipal By Subject and Teacher Qualification Class.
Thus, in a period of 5 years is the redistribution of excess and recruitment of new teachers in the City of Bekasi to the predictions each year. "Thus, Bekasi City Vision Smart, Healthy and Ihsan can be realized with good and true," said Bang Imam nickname.
Head of Personnel Department of Education data Bekasi, honorary workers in SKPD environment is divided into categories and appropriate financing. "We send teachers into the data base of 1945 people BKN. While that is getting transport Rp. 300 thousand per month 2631 people, "said Yanti Mariawati Disdik Bekasi Head of Human Resources at the hearing teachers in the workroom Head of Education, Encu Hermana some time ago.
Meanwhile, the ratio of teachers' needs based on PP 74 Year 2008 on the Teacher Article 17 and Permendiknas 41 Year 2007 on the Standard Process has not run in Bekasi. Even as a reference to the appointment, the redistribution of surplus teachers and recruitment of new teachers as mandated Permendiknas 39 Year 2009 on Compliance and Supervisory Workload Teacher Education Unit has not been run in this area. "The deadline for implementation of these chewing up the end of 2011. If not, Bekasi City will never have a teacher who needs accurate data, "explains Bang Imam.
In the candy, if teachers do not meet face to face 24 hours per week, teachers can meet with the drawbacks: 1. Increasing the number of face to face at school / other madrasas, 2. Teaching in schools / other madrasas, and 3. Equivalence of activities.
"Especially the equivalence of these activities will be face to face hours of fulfillment solutions primarily for teacher education unit at special services, teachers who have specialized skills / programs is scarce, the teacher takes on the basis of national interests, and teacher who served on the education unit at the district / city condition of excess teachers. This implementation can solve problems and clarity of status conditions of teachers in Bekasi, "said Bang priest in charge of advocacy team this time teachers Bekasi.
He added that with the ratio, the issue of a moratorium on the issue, especially for educators will be ignored. So Bekasi can implement a moratorium on parole. "Most importantly certainty CPNS teachers become more open," said Bang priest again. (Don).
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