By: Sudarmadji
Humans in meeting their needs require natural resources, in the form of soil, water and air and other natural resources which belong to the renewable natural resource or nonrenewable. Nevertheless it must be recognized that the natural resources that we need to have limitations in many respects, namely the limitations on the availability according to quantity and quality. Certain natural resources has also limited by space and time. Therefore it is necessary that good management of natural resources and wise. Between the environment and humans each have a close connection. There are times when a human is determined by the circumstances surrounding environment, so that its activity is largely determined by the circumstances surrounding environment.
The existence of natural resources, water, land and other resources to determine the daily human activity. We can not live without air and water. Conversely there is also a very human activity affecting the availability of resources and the environment around it. Damage to natural resources is largely determined by human activity. Many examples of cases of pollution and environmental damage caused by human activities such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and forest destruction all of which can not be separated from human activity, which will ultimately harm man himself.
Development has the objective to improve the welfare of society can not be cushioned from the use of natural resources; but the exploitation of natural resources that do not heed the environmental carrying capacity and the resulting decline in environmental quality. Many factors cause the deterioration of environmental quality and environmental damage that can be identified from observations in the field, therefore it is attempted in this paper generally expressed as a portrait picture of the environment, particularly in relation to environmental management in the era of regional autonomy.
National Development is a series of sustainable development efforts covering the entire life of the community, nation and state to carry out the task to realize the national goal set forth in the Preamble of 1945 legislation. In implementing the national development need to consider the three pillars of sustainable development in a balanced way, this is consistent with the United Nations Conference on Environment held in Stockholm in 1972 and a Declaration of Environmental Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro of 1992, the agreed principles in making development decisions should attention to environmental and human dimensions as well as the Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 to discuss and address environmental degradation.
For Indonesia given that the contribution of reliable in contributing to economic growth and a source of foreign exchange and capital construction is of natural resources, it can be said that natural resources play an important role in Indonesia's economy both in the past, present and future so that, in its application should pay attention what has been agreed internationally. However, other natural resources to bring a major contribution to development, on the other hand, the sustainability of its availability is often overlooked and so are the rules that should be obeyed as the basis for implementing and managing a business or activities supporting the development of economic sectors less attention, so there is a tendency to decrease in power capacity of the environment and depletion of existing natural resource availability and environmental degradation. Management of natural resources and the environment which is not conducted in accordance with carrying capacity could cause a food crisis, water crisis, energy and environmental crises. Generally it can be said that almost all types of natural resources and environmental components in Indonesia tend to decrease the quality and quantity from time to time.
In the implementation of development in the era of regional autonomy, environmental management still refer to the Act No. 23 of 1997 on Environmental Management and Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Governance and Law No. 33 of 2004 on Financial Balance and Center area. In exercising its authority shall be regulated by Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 on Government Authority and Provincial Authority as an Autonomous Region. Environmental management in the provincial government has the authority mainly handle traffic sixth district / city, so the emphasis there is the handling of environmental management at the district / city. In a circular of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 045/560 dated May 24, 2002 concerning the recognition of authority / Positive List are 79 Authorities in the environmental field.
In line with the pace of national development carried out when environmental issues are often encountered is damage to the environment around the mining area that could potentially damage the landscape and the presence of overlapping land use for mining in protected forests. Cases of environmental pollution are also tends to increase. Advancement of transportation and industrialization are not accompanied by the application of clean technologies to give a negative impact especially on the urban environment.
Rivers in urban areas polluted by industrial and household waste. Increasingly polluted soil conditions by fine chemicals from solid waste, fertilizers and pesticides. Pollution problem is due to low awareness of the perpetrators of the business or the public awareness to live a clean and healthy with good environmental quality.
In other words, environmental problems are not getting lighter but it will be more severe, especially given the natural resources used to carry out development that aims to satisfy and improve the welfare of the community. Under these conditions it is natural resource management and sustainable living environment enhanced by the support enforcement of environmental laws in a fair and firm, the quality of human resources, expanding the application of environmental ethics and social and cultural assimilation is increasingly steadily. It should be immediately driven changes in the perception of sound environmental ethic into the environment through the internalization of activities / processes of production and consumption, and instilling environmental values and ethics in everyday life, including social learning process as well as formal education at all levels.
In the implementation of national sustainable development, the sector of Natural Resources and Environment needs to consider further elaboration of the mandate contained from the National Development Programme, which is basically an attempt to harness the natural resources used for the amount for the prosperity of the people with due regard to preservation of function and environmental balance , sustainable development, economic and cultural interests of local communities sertapenataan space.
The results of the Sustainable Development Summit (World Summit on Sustainable Development - WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002, Indonesia is active in discussing and addressing the deterioration of environmental quality, it was decided to implement sustainable development for the welfare of present and future with bersendikan on economic development, social and cultural environment that balanced as the pillars are interdependent and reinforce each other. Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the right to meet the needs of future generations. Sustainable development implies trustworthiness of human life and not beyond the ability of ecosystems to support it. Thus the notion of sustainable development is development to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This concept contains two elements:
The first is the need, especially for those on basic needs
disadvantaged community, which is very necessary to get a high priority of all countries.
The second is limitation. Mastery of technology and social organization must
attention to the limited ability of the environment to meet human needs in the present and future.
This is considering the sustainable development vision departed from the Preamble - Constitution of 1945 that protected the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia; the achievement of the common and intelligent life of the nation and supports the role of the Indonesian people invoke the world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice. Thus, the vision that we profess development is development that can meet the aspirations and needs of current generations without compromising the potential for fulfilling the aspirations and needs of future generations. Therefore need to be conserved function of the environment.
National development policies applying the principles of sustainable development that integrates the three pillars of development, namely economic, social and environmental.
In applying the principles of Sustainable Development at the National Development requires the consent of all parties to integrate the three pillars of development proportionally. Along with it has been attempted preparation of the National Agreement and the Sustainable Development Action Plan through a series of meetings attended by various parties.
The concept of sustainable development arises because of the emergence and growing awareness that economic and social development can not be separated from environmental conditions.
Environmental management including prevention, mitigation of damage and pollution as well as restoration of environmental quality has wisdom demands the development of various devices and programs and activities supported by other environmental management support system. Such systems include stability of institutions, human resources and environmental partnerships, in addition to the laws and regulations, information and funding. Nature of relationship (interdependence) and overall (holistic) of the essence of the environment has consequences that environmental management, including supporting systems can not stand alone, but integrated and the spirit and bersenyawa with the entire sector development and regional implementation.
National and Regional Policy in Environmental Management.
In accordance with Act 32 of 2004 on Regional Government and the PP. 25 of 2000 on Government Authority and Provincial Authority as an Autonomous Region, in the environmental field to give political recognition through the transfer of authority from central government to the regions:
Leaving the area in a prominent position in environmental management.
Requires local initiative in designing policy.
Building a relationship of interdependence between regions.
Establish regional approach.
It could be argued that the consequences of the implementation of Law no. 32 of 2004 with the PP. 25 of 2000, Environmental Management tekannya point in the Region, the national policy on environment explicitly PROPENAS formulate a program called the development of natural resources and environment. The program includes:
Pengembangaan Improvement Program and the Access to Information of Natural Resources and Environment.
The program aims to acquire and disseminate complete information on the potential and productivity of natural resources and environment through an inventory and evaluation, and strengthening information systems. Target to be achieved through this program is available and teraksesnya information resources and the environment, either in the form of spatial data infrastructure, and the balance sheet value of natural resources and environment by the public in each region.
Effectiveness Improvement Program Management, Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources.
The purpose of this program is to maintain the balance of utilization and conservation of natural resources and environment of forest, sea, air and mineral water. Targets to be achieved in this program is termanfaatkannya, natural resources to support the needs of industrial raw materials in an efficient and sustainable. Other targets in the program is protected conservation areas from damage due to use of natural resources and uncontrolled exploitative
Programs Prevention and Control of Pollution Damage and the Environment.
The purpose of this program is to improve the quality of the environment in an effort to prevent damage and / or environmental pollution and restoration of damaged environmental quality due to excessive use of natural resources, as well as industrial activities and transportation. This program targets the achievement of the quality of the environment clean and healthy is the achievement of the quality of the environment clean and healthy environment in accordance with established quality standards.
Institutional Setup Program and Law Enforcement, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection.
The program aims to develop the institutional, legal system set up, the laws and policies, and enforce the law to achieve natural resource management and effective environmental protection and equitable. This program targets institutional availability of natural resources and environment are strongly supported by the law and legislation and law enforcement efforts terlaksannya fairly and consistently.
Role of Community Improvement Program in Natural Resources Management and Environment Preservation function.
The purpose of this program is to increase awareness of the role and the parties concerned in the management of natural resources and environment conservation. This program targets tersediaanya means for the community in natural resource management and environment conservation since the process of policy formulation and decision making, planning, implementation to monitoring.
National and Regional Policy in the Enforcement of Environmental Law
The weak side in the implementation of environmental legislation that stands out is the rule of law, therefore in this section will put forward matters relating to the enforcement of environmental law. With the rapid national development which aim ang implemented to improve the welfare of society, there are some weak side, prominent among others, is not matched by development actors obedience or rules often ignore the rules that should be the foundation as a handle to be followed in implementing and managing the business and or activities, especially concerning social and environmental fields, giving rise to environmental problems. Therefore, in accordance with the plan of Action for Sustainable Development in Environmental Protection and Management made efforts to improve the quality of the environment through the development of the legal system, legal instruments, compliance and enforcement including alternative instruments, as well as environmental remediation efforts. Regional policy in addressing environmental issues in particular policy issues and law enforcement is one of the environmental issues in the area could include:
Regulation on Environmental Regulation.
Institutional Strengthening of the Environment.
Application of environmental management documents in the permitting process
Socialization / education about laws and the knowledge of the environment.
Improving the quality and quantity of coordination with relevant agencies and stakeholders
Integrated monitoring of environmental law enforcement.
Formulate the form of sanctions violations and the environment. Improving the quality and quantity of human resources.
Increased funding in environmental management.
Environmental Management is an integrated effort to preserve the environmental functions including structuring policies, utilization, development, maintenance, restoration, environmental monitoring and control, while the intended environment is a unity with all things space, power, circumstances and living creatures, including humans and behavior that affect the sustainability of livelihoods and welfare of human beings and other living creatures. Environmental conditions from time to time there is a trend decline in the quality, the main cause is due to the level of decision-making, conservation interests are often overlooked, causing pollution and environmental damage. With the occurrence of pollution and environmental damage was also caused social conflicts and environmental conflicts.
With a variety of these problems required the environmental protection law, has generally been regulated by Law No.4 of 1982.
However, based on experience in implementing various provisions regarding law enforcement as set out in Environmental Law, then in the Law on Environmental Management held a variety of changes to facilitate the application of the provisions relating to enforcement of environmental law is Act No. 4 of 1982 be replaced with Law No.23 of 1997 on Environmental Management and then adjusted further in-law regulations pelaksanaanya.Undang this is one powerful tool in protecting the environment. In its application is supported by sectoral legislation. This is because the management environment requires coordination and coherence among sectors conducted by the department and non-departmental government institution in accordance with the tasks and responsibilities of each, such as Law no. 22 Th 2001 on Gas and Earth, Law no. 41 Year 1999 on Forestry, Law no. 24 Th 1992 on Spatial Planning and followed by further arrangement with Government Regulation, Presidential Decree, Ministerial Decree, Regulation or Decision of the Regional Governor.
Given the complexity of environmental management and issues that cut across sectors and regions, it is necessary in the implementation of development planning and implementation of environmental management in line with the principles of sustainable development ie economic development, socio-cultural environment that balanced as the pillars of the interdependent and reinforce each other. In the implementation involves various parties, as well as firmness in compliance with environmental laws.
Expected by the participation barbagai party oversight and compliance with laws and truly enforceable, can be used as a reference together to manage the environment wisely so that the goal of sustainable development can actually be implemented in the field and did not stop at mere slogan. However, facts on the ground is often contrary to what is expected. This is evidenced by the declining quality of the environment from time to time, shown some facts on the ground that can be observed. Matters relating to environmental management in the region in the era of regional autonomy, among others, as follows.
Ego sectoral and regional levels. Regional autonomy is expected to melimbahkan part of the authority to manage the environment in the region have not been able to be implemented properly. Ego regionalism is still often seen in the implementation of environmental management, life, as well as sector ego. Environmental management is often implemented across sectors overlapping with each other sector planning Overlap between sectors. The fact indicates that in program planning (including environmental management) of overlap between one sector and other sectors
Pandanaan are still very poor for the environmental field. Programs and activities must be supported with adequate funding if it expects success with either. Although everyone recognizes that the environment is an important area and it is very necessary, but in reality it is still too low local revenue allocated for environmental management programs, further aggravated the lack of state budget funds allocated directly to the area for environmental management.
Human resource limitations. It must be admitted that in addition to environmental management of adequate funds should also be supported by a qualified resource. Human resources are often still do not. Personnel should be in charge of implementing environmental management (including local government officials are) many who do not understand well about the importance of the environment.
Exploitation of natural resources is still too forward the profit from an economic standpoint. Natural resources should be used for development to achieve the welfare of the community. Although they are not; exploitation of minerals, logging is benefiting the community, the environmental aspect that should, in fact many are ignored. The evidence suggests that there is no balance between economy and environment. Environmental problems are still not getting the proper portions.
The weak implementation of legislation paraturan. Regulations relating to the environment, pretty much, but the implementation is still weak. There are some who just do not implement the legislation properly, and even find the weaknesses of these regulations to be used to achieve its objectives.
Weak enforcement of environmental law, especially in the surveillance. With regard to the implementation of legislation is the supervision of the implementation of laws. Many of the violations (environmental pollution, environmental destruction), but very weak in the provision of legal sanctions.
Community understanding of the environment. Understanding and awareness of the importance of the environment some people still weak and this, need to be improved. Not only the lower class of society, but can also middle-to upper class society, even the highly educated and still less awareness about the environment.
The application of technologies that are not environmentally friendly. Implementation of environmentally friendly technologies can not happen to expect instant results, can quickly be enjoyed. Maybe in terms of economic benefits but ignoring the environmental impact. The use of fertilizers, pesticides, which may cause environmental pollution.
It should be noted that in fact in every area there is local knowledge that is often already using environmentally friendly technologies that are hereditary. Of course there are many environmental problems that occurred in the autonomous regions that is almost impossible to diidentifakasi one by one, all of which arise due to "development" in areas that essentially want the welfare of society, with all its impact. With the above facts, it will arise the question whether in fact environmentally sustainable development are taken into account in our development. Is the condition of our environment from time to time get better, or grow ugly? This is reinforced by the fact of frequent natural disasters both tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, mud and other natural disasters that cause us to be down environmental quality. Of course no one expects it all happen. Some natural disasters are also caused by human activity itself.
The many problems associated dengnan environment-related development. These problems can arise due to the development process less attention to aspects of the environment. In this autonomy era it appears that there is a trend of environmental problems increasingly complex, which should not be the case. There are allegations that while environmental degradation tekait with the implementation of regional autonomy, where the region wants to increase local revenue by exploiting the natural resources that are less noticed aspects of the environment properly.
In this way then there is deterioration in the quality of the environment everywhere, followed by the occurrence of natural disasters. There are many things that cause environmental aspects to be overlooked in the development process, which varies from region to region, from the things that are local such as availability of human resources up to things like a wider-scale application of technologies that are not friendly environment.
Regulations relating to environmental management is sufficient, however in the implementation, including the monitoring, enforcement needs to get serious attention. It is strongly associated with the good intentions of government including local governments, communities and interested parties to manage the environment with the best that the principles of environmentally sustainable development can be held properly. Therefore the construction is basically for the welfare of society, the aspirations of the people must be heard and program development activities that truly touches the interests of society.
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