Flow repatriation of Indonesian workers abroad are very vulnerable to the smuggling of illicit goods, including drugs. Supervision and inspection of the workers who come up to thousands of people per day are considered to be very loose at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
They are not even required to undergo a scan with X-rays as well as any other passenger. "This huge gap is probably already widely used by international drug syndicates," said Head of Building Services Data Collection Departure Arrival TKI TKI National Agency for Placement and Protection of migrant workers (BNP2TKI), Adjunct Senior Commissioner Rolly Laheba, yesterday.
Rolly reveals oversight in the path of return migrants has been very lax. Since stepping off the plane, then take the luggage, waiting for the bus in the lounge, to arrive at the building BNP2TKI, the workers did not undergo an examination with a scanner.
According to Rolly, many workers who were arrested for alleged drug couriers or at least involved in the smuggling of illicit goods. One example is the arrest Yanuari Mariyanti, migrant workers from Singapore, in May.
Yanti revealed swallowed 54 capsules of heroin valued at USD 1.6 billion. Officers of the National Police Headquarters after being arrested Yanti information from Malaysian police about drug courier would entry into Indonesia.
Yanti was arrested at a hotel in Cikini, Central Jakarta, along with citizens of Ghana and lover named Tony Appiah Appiah a citizen of Indonesia. Police said at the time that Jackie brought heroin from Iran and he promised a wage of Rp 2 million.
Previously, WSD, 30 years old, male migrant worker from Malaysia, was arrested in April. He claimed the goods entrusted the form of two plastic bags and three boxes of chocolates by a stranger on a plane to leave to others who are waiting at the airport. Later it was revealed the package contained three kilograms of heroin valued at USD 3 billion.
Rolly says workers can be used to track drug smuggling at any time. The most vulnerable is when the workers go home, such as before Lebaran current, which in a day could reach more than 1,000 people. "The mafia must have been read and take advantage of this great opportunity," he said.
Lack of supervision at the airport recognized Lia and Lisdatul, migrant workers from West Java. They, each of which just returned from Saudi Arabia and Singapore, admitted to not undergo X-ray scanning. "If workers do not pass line through x-rays. Directly ngeloyor wrote, continues to ride the bus to the Building Data Collection," both said yesterday.
A spokesman for the National Narcotics Agency, Sumirat, admitted to having improved control during this homecoming. But it did not want to just focus on the track workers. "That means we do not notice the other passengers," he said separately yesterday.
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