Four months ago, the kinds of herbal drinks oplosan killing seven citizens of the City of Bekasi. On Monday (8/22/2011) and then, two women were found dead and a man had admitted in critical condition in Bekasi Regency is also due to herbal form of the solution is mixed with other beverages.
Grief over the house number 62 RT 01 RW 09 Desa Kampung Karang Branch Asih, District of North Cikarang, Bekasi, on Tuesday (08/23/2011) afternoon.
In the living room there are two wooden coffins in front of framed photographs of women during life, dolls, candles, incense, food, and fruit-maybe for some sort of ritual. From the door, bearing the coffin left Wiwi Suryani (43) and right chest that said Yulia (42). Both women of Chinese descent.
Wiwi has a Chinese name that is Tjio Sui Liem Nio. Both women will be interred or cremated on Wednesday, August 24, 2011. They are the occupants of number 62's.
Wiwi and Julia, sister-in-law, was found dead by Friska and Deta, Wiwi children, around 08.30 pm, Monday. When found, Wiwi and Yulia in the lying position with foaming mouth and nose bleeds. Near the victims are former vomiting and glasses of fluid containing a solution mixture of herbs and coffee.
Seeing the mother and aunt did not animate, and Deta Friska hysterical and crying that was heard by a neighbor who then came to help the family and report to the Sector Police officers Cikarang.
Unfortunately, perhaps because it is still overwhelmed by the atmosphere of grief, families of the victims have not deign to give an explanation related to that event. However, behind the sorrow, there is a family member who expressed gratitude to the journalists who came.
"If this was covered and reported hopefully be a lesson for others," said a man who refused to write his name when met at the funeral home.
A number of neighbors who had found willing to give a picture of events but also refused to write his name. They were told that there is a longer affected by drinking a solution of a mixture of herbs and coffee that is Supriyadi (50) or husband Wiwi Syriac. Allegedly, Wiwi, Supriyadi, and Yulia together drinking coffee and herbs mixed solution on Sunday night after Friska and Deta asleep.
However, after drinking, Supriyadi went to a relative's house is still in Cikarang and collapsed in there so it was taken to a hospital in Bekasi Regency. Criminal Investigation Unit Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Cikarang Muchson AR confirmed that in addition to Wiwi and Yulia who died was a man who was also a victim of herbal drinks and coffee.
"One is still being treated at a hospital and he was a key witness," he said when met separately are monitoring the flow forth from the post in front of the station Lemahabang.
Muchson said, it is difficult to reveal details of events because a key witness (Supriyadi) is still in critical condition so can not be questioned by investigators.
In addition, unknown where it came from herbal drinks and coffee are consumed by the three victims. Unclear whether the materials purchased drinks for themselves or purchased already blended in a concoction. "We will investigate this case seriously," he said.
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