Indonesia national team will focus on improving the host defense against Jordan on Saturday (27 / 8), the international trial matches before falling in the Pre World Cup in 2014 against Iran, 2 September.
Media Officer National Team, Desy Christina, said Firman Utina and his colleagues emphasized to minimize penetration by strengthening the defense. "Hence, in the game against Jordan will try to survive and sustain with counter attack," he said.
According to Desy, recent tests on the game before the official match Pre 2014 World Cup third round this, some patterns of play will be applied. Only, what pattern to use is not mentioned.
However, he said, the game will test all players are expected to show their best ability to coach Wim Rijsbergen can monitor the ability of the player before the set becomes a major player. "Who will be reduced when opponent of Iran will be decided after the game this trial," he added.
Red and White squad flew to Jordan with the power of 23 players consisting of three goalkeepers that Rotinsulu Ferry, Mark Haris Maulana and I Made Wirawan. To defender Hamka Hamzah, M Roby, Rev. Wijiastanto, Benny Wahyudi, Amrizal, Zukifly Gratitude and M Nasuha.
Filler post Hariono midfielder, M Ridwan, Supardi, Eka Ramdani, Oktovianus Maniani, Tony Sucipto, M Ilham, Word Utina and Arif Suyono and four players ahead of Bambang Pamungkas, Christian Gonzalez, Irfan and Ferdinand Sinaga.
To deal with host Jordan and Iran certainly is not strengthened by the striker Indonesia ie Boaz Salossa and midfielder Ahmad Bustomi. Both players were not brought home village and experiencing pain.
The absence of Boaz in the front line, the Dutchman did not make it difficult to determine the formation. Proven against Palestinians in Solo on Monday (22 / 8), Wim down three strikers at once namely Bambang Pamungkas, Irfan and Christian Gonzalez. "Target is a steal points against Iran. So all the players are expected to show their best ability," said Desy.
Indonesia at the Pre World Cup 2014 Asian Zone putara three are grouped with Iran, Bahrain and Qatar. After facing Iran, M Roby and his friends will face Bahrain in Jakarta, Tuesday (6 / 8). (Don).
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