Carrefour Indonesia Workers Union (SPCI) void staged a mass demonstration. What was the management of PT Carrefour Indonesia about this?
Human Resources Director Carrefour Pamrihadi Wiraryo, explained that the cancellation of this action because both parties in a period or periods bipartite dialogue.
"It will be made bipartite September 14. Bipartite is a mechanism, namely the dialogue which is set in statute, as long as the dialogue is still going on did not have no reason to strike," he said, when found in his office on Friday (26 / 8 / 2011).
Wiraryo also confirmed that the annulment action because there is not a flirt or intervention or even intimidation from the company. "How could a bully, how? Our country's state of law, make it unlawful intimidation," he said.
He also denied when a massive strike action is related to the welfare of its employees. "That's a big mistake. Carrefour on welfare had above average retail industry," he explained.
He added that based on observation, Carrefour employees realize that the action was not good when done. "They were not provoked by the other party. Keep up to date the majority of workers also understand the clarity provided by management, because they realize that the action could harm all parties when truly realized," he continued.
Pamrihadi instead expresses appreciation to the SPSI-NIBA, Carrefour the other unions. Appreciation is given for the SPSI-NIBA firmly reject this action.
"I was in this case as to the management, giving appreciation to one of the elements of the existing union at Carrefour, the SPSI-NIBA by the number of employees 1500 people," he continued.
SPSI-NIBA, continued Wiraryo, do not know if this action because the action had the potential of ridden by another party.
Added, SPCI Palembang itself also had to cancel this action. Evident from the letter which they sent to the management dated August 25, 2011.
"I have information from the SPCI Palembang. This is the contents of his letter.
'Following the official letter of employment, we SPCI-Palembang, hereby cancel the strike which will be held on August 26-28, 2011. On the grounds that all decisions are of central 'letter on behalf of Phidu Prawira, SPCI-Palembang, "he said while reading the contents of the letter.
Previously, the threat of this action follows a lack of response from management related to the formation of the Joint Working Agreement (CBA) that governs the relationship between them and elimination PKWT (employment agreement specified time).
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