A total of 2030 home tutor in the district of Tangerang, Banten, received help from the local district governments respectively Rp1, 2 million. "This grant is given as a form to realize a prosperous society," said Head of Social prosperity Uyung Mulyadi Tangerang regency in Jakarta on Saturday (27 / 8).
The provision of such assistance in accordance with the vision and mission of the local community towards the faithful Tangerang, prosperous, industry-oriented, and environmentally sound. "One of them by providing assistance to teachers in each district as a form of government attention," he said.
The aid is given because the tutor does not have a fixed income.
Tutor who received help from 29 districts. "In granting the aid, the money received by each tutor will not be cutting a penny," he said. (Don).
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