Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) South Tangerang City, Banten, appealed to citizens who perform Takbir circumference Muhammadiyah does not disturb other residents are still
implement the fasting including being tadarusan.
"For those who perform Takbir Muhammadiyah members are expected not to disturb people around who still tadarusan in the mosque," said Secretary of the MUI South Tangerang city Abdul Rozak contacted on Monday (29 / 8).
Rozak statement, the related decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs which establishes a Shawwal 1432 Hijri falls on Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Meanwhile, the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah has previously announced the first of Shawwal 1432 Hijri coincide with the August 30, 2011.
Muhammadiyah believes based on intrinsic wujudul moon reckoning that guided and carried out the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah, ijtimak before 1 Syawal 1432 H occurred on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 10:05:16 pm.
High moon at sunset in Yogyakarta, was a form of the new moon, and in all parts of Indonesia at the time of sunset moon was on the horizon. "We still have to respect all the decisions, although different opinions. However, the unity of the people still have to put forward," he said.
Rozak said Takbir when activities are planned to be held around the MUI, had to be postponed until Wednesday. "There takbiran activities we've planned, but due to its decision 1 Syawal falls on August 31, 2011 or Wednesday, then the implementation was postponed," he said.
Previously, Board Chairman of Muhammadiyah Jakarta Region Rifky Hermiansyah Yudhoyono said there are 40 locations of 29 districts in Banten province will implement Eid al-Fitr prayer on Tuesday (30 / 8).
He said the 40 locations that will be used for Eid prayers spread across eight cities and districts in Banten Province.
The details in Tangerang, Salat Id on Tuesday (30 / 8) held in five districts with six locations, Tangerang city in the five districts with 12 locations, Tangerang regency in eight districts with 10 locations.
Then Lebak District in eight districts with eight locations Salat Id, Cilegon in a district with two locations. Pandeglang in one district with one location, as well as in Serang regency and city in one location.
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